March 25, 2009

Easter 2009 Thoughts

Easter is quickly approaching. I am really pumped about what God has laid on my heart to preach this Easter and beyond. The ramifications of what will be preached could literally change hearts and lives. I am kicking off a brand spank-in NEW series entitled, "NO PERFECT PEOPLE ALLOWED".

I am praying for 100 people to accepted Christ on Easter Sunday! Go ahead and read that again, because it's not a magical number but a ask by Faith from God! How can this happen? The ONLY way it will begin to happen is if you will partner with God by inviting as many people that are far from God to LifeQuest Church on Easter Sunday.

Here's the service time information:

Belton Campus

Easter Sunday
9:15AM; 11AM; 12:30PM

Northland Campus

Easter Sunday
10:30AM & 6PM

What can you do?

#1. Start Inviting people that are far from God!
#2. Pick up as many tickets as you can invite people to Easter at LifeQuest this Sunday.
That's right, tickets. It's FREE we are just trying to make sure as many people have seats for this Awesome Day to celebrate our Risen Christ!
#3. If you don't currently serve, sign up this Sunday to serve on Easter Sunday! We have opportunities for you to serve in the following: Parking, Ushering, Greeters, LQ Cafe, Clean up (in between services), KidzQuest (must fill out a background check this Sunday). It's a great way to see what it's like to serve at LifeQuest.

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