April 19, 2009

Sunday Night Mind Dump

Today was Part 2 of the No Perfect People Allowed series and boy did it hit home with people. Here's some highlights of what happened.
  • Preached on John 5:1-8 Asked the same question Jesus asked, "Do you want to be healed?".
  • I hit taking personal responsibility for your life spirituality and in EVERY way - received really well.
  • Dave Patmore did a great job leading worship today. BUT we missed you J.R.
  • The video on Resurrection Injection brought home the point and was well done. Thank you Elevation Church in N.C. for letting us use it.
  • Eric tore it up on Only Grace - not a dry eye in the place.
  • I challenged everyone to write down the lies that satan has been telling down on a card. Then asked them to bring it forward and drop them in a suit case.
  • This next week we are going to create an incredible video with those lies that you won't soon forget. Showing it next Sunday!.
  • This Next Sunday I am preaching on addictions and have asked a friend of mine to give his testimony.
  • All I can say is bring all your friends and family it is going to be a Powerful Sunday!
  • Lots of lives were changed today.
  • Still celebrating 18 salvations and 2 rededications on Easter 09'
  • Tomorrow LifeQuest turns 6 years old - we are celebrating May 3rd at the LIVE Event at the Northland Campus.
Well that's it for tonight. Blessings to all of you.

1 comment:

AJ said...

Hey dude, I think our team will visit next week. Keep up the good work.