April 1, 2009

Things I am Excited about

There are a ton of things I am excited about and thought I would share it with all of you.

  • Easter - We are having five worship experiences between both of our campuses. Belton Campus - 9:15; 11AM; 12:30PM Northland Campus 10:30AM & 6PM
  • My personal growth, I am having some break throughs and I talked about it HERE!
  • Bringing Karen and J.R. on in a full time capacity, can't wait to see what God is going to do with this.
  • I am really excited about May 3rd the LIVE Event which is a celebration of our 6 years as a church. The LIVE Event will be held May 3rd @6PM. It will be held at our Northland Campus and you will NOT want to MISS it.
  • The Future of LifeQuest Church - all I can say is the BEST is yet to come.
  • Really, really excited about the new series we are kicking off on Easter "No Perfect People Allowed."
  • This summer with my family is going to be off the chain!
  • Excited about some developing relationships with people that are far from God!
  • What Jesus is doing in my life and leadership!!!

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