July 25, 2009

Children's Ministry Building Underway

Guest Blog: Karen Blankenship

It has been an exciting week at LifeQuest as the demolition began on the North Building. Dave Daut and his team have worked long hours to begin the process...filling up the dumpster in no time at all! Thanks to all the volunteers who have served Jesus by donating their time!

We are excited about the financial pledges and contributions that have been made so far in our Next Generation Project. The Next Generation Project is just another example of the way LifeQuest volunteers step up to the plate to do whatever it takes. It takes countless hours of time, energy and money to keep reaching people and to make a difference for God’s Kingdom. When you are watch people walk onto a stage holding up signs as a testimony to how God has changed lives, you realize that it really is ‘All About Relationships.’ It’s about the marriages that have been saved. It’s about the drug addict who finally surrendered his life to Christ. It’s about the woman who was finally freed from the guilt of her past through the power of God’s forgiveness. And it’s about the thousands of others who need to hear the message of Jesus Christ.

Thanks for your support, LifeQuest! Can't wait to see what the next chapter holds as we continue on mission of 'leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.'

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