August 18, 2009

Lessons I am learning from my Sabbattical Part 2

During the first week I literally slept more than I have in my whole entire life. I have never been one to sleep a lot but the first week I was sleeping in every day and loving it. No responsibilities, no meetings, no leaders to encourage and motivate, no sermons to prepare, no problems to solve (at least at the church :) , no marriages to fix, absolutely Nothing. I rested and didn't feel guilty or anxious. Then it hit me, "I didn't know I was this tired."

Really, I had no idea that I was as tired as I was. Then I began thinking about the fact that if we are running our lives and our ministries on fumes and we are tired, then God is not going to be able to use us to our FULL potential.

When you and I are well rested we are a powerful force in the hands of the Almighty God! I am healthier today than I was six weeks ago. I am eatting better, trying to spend more time with my family and God! Taking time to enjoy life is what I'm about during this season in life.

Now, that doesn't mean that I'm not intense and that I sit around all day and do nothing. Really quite the opposite. I'm getting more done now than ever before with a Focus on what I can do and what I need to delegate. It's freeing.

My goals these days, is to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Also I'm paying attention to the my emotional gage which I will talk about tomorrow.

1 comment:

Rednecktechnogeek said...

I am glad to read you are re-focusing to allow time for your rest and family. As aperson who cares for others as you do it seems to be a 24-7 job, sometimes it is very draining and without a time to step back and rest we can loose our focus and prospective on our goals .
Life Quest is very fortunate to have a person who is as dedicated as you are to helping others.

Remember Chris need our prayers everyday, and when you see him tell him how much you appreciate his efforts for GOD . Give him a big hugg he likes that ....:-)