March 24, 2009

A Breakthrough

I hesitated to write about this, because I am still early in the process. But I wanted to share real life with you and how even a Pastor's life works. Yesterday, I went to see my counselor, and Yes, I said counselor. Before you get too many thoughts in your head, let me explain that I am not in a crisis etc. I have learned that in doing ministry and life EVERYONE should have a counselor that they meet with on a regular basis. My counselor knows everything about me. He is a Godly man who has been in ministry over 25 years.

In dealing with life issues, I had a Breakthrough during our prayer time yesterday. I don't feel like going into much detail yet, but let me just say that if you will get with Jesus and practice 1 John 1:9 He will set you free. My whole life I have given things to Jesus and taken them back. NOT yesterday, I am Free and it is the best feeling and circumstance in the world.

My thoughts for now on this journey called life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Good news! He is good, isn't He?