November 9, 2009

Sunday Night Mind Dump

Kicked off Faith Pirates today. God really showed up and here's some of what happened:
  • Several accepted Christ!
  • The band killed it on a Carolina Liar song - it brought so much energy to the room.
  • The message was very practical and had lots of practical application for us to apply it to our lives.
  • Many people have more faith in their faith than they have in the Faithfulness of God. We can have faith because of what God has done. If you and I have faith in any other thing then your faith will die because it's not built on Jesus!
  • Announced that we are partnering with 3 nails ministries to buy coats for the homeless in K.C. My challenge is 250 coats. Come on LifeQuest you have been blessed so let's be a blessing.
  • We are also partnering with the Community Blood Bank of K.C. December 13th from 10am to 2:30pm here at the Belton Campus. Tell your friends and let's blow their expectations out of the water.
  • Last but not least we are partnering with Heart and Hand ministries to fill their food bank. Can't wait to show up with a 53 ft trailer and fill their food bank and maybe a couple of others in the area.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ should be partnering with others to carry out Kingdom work.
  • This next Sunday I am preaching a message on Faith and Logic - Bring a friend and get them here it's going to be a gripping, yet practical message on Faith!

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