November 9, 2009

Which one do people need today?

As I lead and learn more about becoming the best leader God has designed me to be. I am constantly learning. Recently I sat down with a mentor and here's what I learned. He said, "Chris, there are times people need to be lead and there are times people need to be loved."

Interesting because I catch myself being in the leadership mode most of the time. My mentor encouraged me saying, "leading all the time will kill people. There are times you have to love them." Then he says the most profound statement, "Chris, everyone that comes to your church or mine needs to be either loved or lead."

Practical Application: As I am interfacing with people these days, I am asking does this person need to be loved or lead today. What a great way to start off a meeting?

Who in your life needs to be loved? Who in your life needs to be lead?

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